Welcome To Deep Imagery
Are you seeking to deepen your connection to your inner self?Are you a professional looking for a way to enhance your work with clients?
Are you willing to commit to a deep inner process?
Then we can help.

Deep Imagery Training
Learn to guide other people on Deep Imagery journeys!
Online or in person training.
CA: Dianne Timberlake & Debra Vickroy
FL: Phyllis Brooks Licis
NM: Mary Diggin, Ph.D.
Our trainers are willing to travel!
Contact them if you would like a training held near you!

Individual Journeys
Our practitioners also offer individual, personal guided journeys. Meet your Inner guides. Work with Dreams.
Engage your deep inner wisdom.
Apply Now to the Distance Learning Training
with E.S. Gallegos, PhD & Mary Diggin, Ph.D.
Interested in joining a workshop or in attending a gathering? We offer both online and in-person meetings.
Check out our listings or get in touch to find out more.
Invite yourself on a Journey of Self Discovery
It is the revitalization of the human soul from within that is the real goal of [this| approach.
~ Stephen Larsen, author of The Mythic Imagination in the foreword of Animals of the Four Windows by ES Gallegos, Ph.D.
Are you seeking a way to meet your wholeness? to grow fully into who you are to be?
Working with the inner guides of your deep imagination can help you with this. Your deep imagery guides will teach you to be compassionate and tender with yourself. They offer you endless compassion on your journey. They allow you speak the things that are deep in your heart, to say the words that perhaps you have never expressed, or words you did say but were never before heard. Your inner guides become your best friends and your best teachers. They have been waiting for you to come and say hello, to walk with them, to experience their support for you. They will teach you to trust, to know the ways of your soul.
Through this work you get the opportunity to grow your relationships with them so that they become your allies and friends, your companions on the journey of your life.
As your relationships with your inner guides deepen, you will begin to trust this older and deeper knowing within you. This is a knowing that is uniquely yours, an innate wisdom that knows your own pace and supports the direction of your life path. It is a knowing based in the individual you are, and that stands in the wholeness that is yours. You will come to trust without doubt your inner intuitive guidance.
© Mary C. Diggin, Ph.D. from deepimagerytraining.com
intuition and
inner wisdom
deep sense of
well being
harmony for Body,
Mind & Spirit
Our Mission & Vision
Our vision and mission is to help connect people to their own deep inner wisdom by accessing the deep imagination
The International Institute for Visualization Research nourishes a body of work on spontaneous personal imagery rooted in the Personal Totem Pole Process© that encompasses the areas of education, administration, research and development, documentation and practitioner support.
It sponsors trainings and workshops worldwide as well as a bi-annual international conference “The Festival of the Animals”, the animals in question being our inner animal guides.
A 501(c)3 Non-Profit
The International Institute for Visualization Research is a 501(c) organization, an American tax- exempt, nonprofit. We are glad to receive donations from interested parties who wish to support the work. All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be sent upon request. We use donations to support trainees as they undertake the three year training program and for website development. The scholarship committee awards a number of scholarships each year, depending on funds.
DEEP IMAGERY: Coming home to yourself – Dr. Margrit Jütte Interviews Dr. E.S. Gallegos
July 2017, International Festival of the Animals, Gut Frohberg/Meissen, Germany.
Useful Links
Community & FaceBook
Besuchen Sie Tiefenimagination.com für Informationen über Veranstaltungen und Begleiter. Sie können auch die weltweiten Verzeichnis-und Veranstaltungs-Seiten auf dieser Website.
Deep Imagery USA Facebook
ES Gallegos Events
Workshops with Dr. Gallegos
Visit www.deepimagery.wordpress.com for lists of practitioners, articles etc.
Tiefenimagination Facebook
US Gatherings
CA: Dianne Timberlake & Debra Vickroy
email: socalgroup@deepimagery.net
Get in touch to be placed on our email list
Join us in California!
Návštěva: www.deepimagery.cz/. Výuka probíhá přes anglicky s překladem do českého jazyka.
Deep Imagery AU FaceBook
International Circle
Monthly on the last Sunday of each month, at 8pm CET, via Zoom. Free. In English, open to everyone.
Workshops, Groups & Training
Get Involved
Join Us At Any Event!
Our Trainings
Learn how to use deep imagery in your practice or for personal use. A highly enriching 3-year training in process-oriented, accessible, interactive deep imagery.
An experiential Deep Imagery program.
Monthly online meetings or 12 days Residential, per year.
Become familiar with the dynamics of the deep imagination.
Acquire skills in guiding individuals and pairs.
Chakra Animals ~ Dream Guides ~ 4 Ways of Knowing ~ Relationship work ~ Polarities ~ Emotions ~ Life process and changes ~ Trauma ~ illness ~ Wholeness ~ Deep Inner Wisdom
Online Training
Train with Drs E.S. Gallegos & Mary Diggin.
Usually begins in Spring each year
International. Affordable.
Facilitated via Zoom.
4.5 hours per month:
2.5 hrs Group meeting.
2 hrs personal work with others.
Residential Trainings
Train with highly experienced trainers In-person
Our trainers are willing to travel!
Contact them if you would like a training held near you!
12 days per year.
CA: Dianne Timberlake & Debra Vickroy
FL: Phyllis Brooks Licis
NM: Mary Diggin, Ph.D & ES Gallegos Ph.D..
We Gather Every Month
California, USA
A monthly gathering, mostly via Zoom but also on occasion, in-person.
CA: Dianne Timberlake & Debra Vickroy
email: socalgroup@deepimagery.net
Get in touch to be placed on our email list
Join us in California!
Reise des Monats, DE
Offen für alle Interesssierte
Jeden Monat (immer am 20.) findet eine Tiefenimaginations-Reise via Zoom statt, die in der Regel von einer/einem der hier gelisteten Begleiter*innen begleitet wird.
Zur Teilnahme benötigst du einen Computer oder ein Smartphone, mit dem Du das Programm ZOOM nutzen kannst.
International Sharing Circle
When: 8pm Central European Time, on the last Sunday of the month.
Language: English
Fee: Free
An online gathering, via Zoom. With sharing and a guided journey.
A good way to experience deep imagery and meet some of the community.
Deep Imagery Blog
The Latest News & Updates
Second Edition of Into Wholeness available
The second edition of Into Wholeness, The Path of Deep Imagery has been released. It contains new material about deep imagery and new journeys. Recommended! Into Wholeness, Second Edition, is a treat for both experienced imagery practitioners and for those new...
A blossoming flower
The IIVR logo is a blossoming flower, that is an image of the deep imagination. In the center of the flower there is an eye and the iris of the eye is also a flower. Essentially, it is the eye that is blossoming, seeing the blossom that it is and also being a part of...
Congratulations Mary Diggin
Mary Diggin has just accepted the presidency of Imagery International. Mary has served as executive director of the IIVR for many years. She is also one of our most active Deep Imagery trainers and has been developing our Distance Learning program. She will President...