
Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
July 2024

International Deep Imagery Circle

Register: International Deep Imagery Circle Run by TiefenImagination Verein in Germany: Join us on the last Sunday of each month for sharing and a guided journey. Time: 20:00 (8 PM) Central European Time – DE, CZ, FR, AT, DK etc. Please check the time in your own timezone. Day: Last Sunday of each […] ...
28 Jul
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
August 2024

Current Deep Imagery Training: Eagle Group

Online Deep Imagery Training via Zoom Closed Group Deep in Imagery distance learning Deep imagery core curriculum, a unique method of active imagery through accessing the deep imagination as developed by Dr ES Gallegos. Offered in the distance learning format since 2016 Certified by the IIVR (the International Institute for vizualisation research) This training […] ...
01 Aug
10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Current Deep Imagery Training: Black Bear Group

Online Deep Imagery Training via Zoom Closed Group Deep in Imagery distance learning Deep imagery core curriculum, a unique method of active imagery through accessing the deep imagination as developed by Dr ES Gallegos. Offered in the distance learning format since 2016 Certified by the IIVR (the International Institute for vizualisation research) This Training […] ...
15 Aug
10:00 am - 12:30 pm

California Group Monthly Journey: Open to all

What: Debra Vickroy and Dianne Timberlake host a monthly Imagery circle, open to everyone. Time: 10am PST, 11am MST, 12pm CST and 1pm EST. Where: Online, via Zoom. Fee:  0 email: for more info. The date may vary from this calendar so please get in touch and register with Debra to receive correct links […] ...
18 Aug
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Reise des Monats

Offen für alle Interesssierte ​ Jeden Monat (immer am 20.) findet eine Tiefenimaginations-Reise via Zoom statt, die in der Regel von einer/einem der hier gelisteten Begleiter*innen begleitet wird. Zur Teilnahme benötigst du einen Computer oder ein Smartphone, mit dem Du das Programm ZOOM nutzen kannst. ​ Für Vereinsmitglieder ist diese Reise kostenlos. Alle anderen können […] ...
20 Aug
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

International Deep Imagery Circle

Register: International Deep Imagery Circle Run by TiefenImagination Verein in Germany: Join us on the last Sunday of each month for sharing and a guided journey. Time: 20:00 (8 PM) Central European Time – DE, CZ, FR, AT, DK etc. Please check the time in your own timezone. Day: Last Sunday of each […] ...
25 Aug
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
September 2024

Current Deep Imagery Training: Eagle Group

Online Deep Imagery Training via Zoom Closed Group Deep in Imagery distance learning Deep imagery core curriculum, a unique method of active imagery through accessing the deep imagination as developed by Dr ES Gallegos. Offered in the distance learning format since 2016 Certified by the IIVR (the International Institute for vizualisation research) This training […] ...
05 Sep
10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Current Deep Imagery Training: Black Bear Group

Online Deep Imagery Training via Zoom Closed Group Deep in Imagery distance learning Deep imagery core curriculum, a unique method of active imagery through accessing the deep imagination as developed by Dr ES Gallegos. Offered in the distance learning format since 2016 Certified by the IIVR (the International Institute for vizualisation research) This Training […] ...
19 Sep
10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Reise des Monats

Offen für alle Interesssierte ​ Jeden Monat (immer am 20.) findet eine Tiefenimaginations-Reise via Zoom statt, die in der Regel von einer/einem der hier gelisteten Begleiter*innen begleitet wird. Zur Teilnahme benötigst du einen Computer oder ein Smartphone, mit dem Du das Programm ZOOM nutzen kannst. ​ Für Vereinsmitglieder ist diese Reise kostenlos. Alle anderen können […] ...
20 Sep
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

International Deep Imagery Circle

Register: International Deep Imagery Circle Run by TiefenImagination Verein in Germany: Join us on the last Sunday of each month for sharing and a guided journey. Time: 20:00 (8 PM) Central European Time – DE, CZ, FR, AT, DK etc. Please check the time in your own timezone. Day: Last Sunday of each […] ...
29 Sep
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
October 2024

Current Deep Imagery Training: Eagle Group

Online Deep Imagery Training via Zoom Closed Group Deep in Imagery distance learning Deep imagery core curriculum, a unique method of active imagery through accessing the deep imagination as developed by Dr ES Gallegos. Offered in the distance learning format since 2016 Certified by the IIVR (the International Institute for vizualisation research) This training […] ...
03 Oct
10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Current Deep Imagery Training: Black Bear Group

Online Deep Imagery Training via Zoom Closed Group Deep in Imagery distance learning Deep imagery core curriculum, a unique method of active imagery through accessing the deep imagination as developed by Dr ES Gallegos. Offered in the distance learning format since 2016 Certified by the IIVR (the International Institute for vizualisation research) This Training […] ...
17 Oct
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
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