the words I´ve just heard, a few minutes ago, are from Khalil Gibran:
‘Work Is Love Made Visible’
and this reminds me of my 3rd week of training, in May. I was so full of love. Actually I said to the others: I feel like being in love, because of this wonderful work. Being in silence with this happiness inside of me, and being in silence witnessing experiences and situations, being present and aware, guiding, holding space – with an open heart, because of this work and doing this work – this is the biggest present I´ve ever got. Because it leads me deep inside of me. For plenty of years I´ve followed different therapeutic ways and spiritual paths, but never ever I felt such a deepness and gratitude.
It seems like my inner world is growing. But what really happens is, I´m discovering it, step by step. I find landscapes there and animals, a lot of space… and this is all part of me. I´m growing. To know this, makes me feel safe, very safe. I can ask my animals and beings whatever I want. I always get an answer and support. And mostly it`s a surprise. So I get to know myself. Sometimes I feel incredibly touched by my animals, especially when I may experience the healing circle. Or when I find out that I know one of the animals for a long time already. This animal rescued me in my childhood and was by my side all the time. I cannot tell, how special and moving this is.
Here I am and nothing can happen to me, because I´m in touch with my animals. Through the training I get more and more balanced and I feel lighter. I loose control and instead of I really experience what dedication (Hingabe) is. And I know I´m on the right place. To find Deep Imagery was godsend; everyone should know it. And another bonus: I don´t have to wait for time and money, to travel and visit beautiful places, because I make journeys every day.
From Alexandra.