with Steve Gallegos and Mary Diggin
29 March to the 5 of April 2015
Language: English
Contact: Lasse Ebbesen psykolog@lasseebbesen.dk
The workshop leader training is open to those who have completed the three years Core Curriculum training in the Personal Totem Pole Process ®.
The training consists of a total of two parts and approves the participant to lead groups in the process of deep imagery and the Personal Totem Pole Process.
In part one, each participant is required to lead a 3 hour Deep Imagery workshop. The topics assigned to participants will include: 1) workshop with the seven chakras, 2) journey to the four windows of knowing, and 3) working with polarities. The workshop is followed by feedback and imagery journeys to explore and heal any issues that may have arisen through the experience.
For information on Deep Imagery Workshop Leader Training, visit our page on the training: http://deepimagery.net/trainings/workshop-leader-training/
Price: 13500 kr. Or 1800 Euro
Bank name: nykredit
Reg. nr.: 5479
Accord nr. (Bankkonto. nr.: 7050884)
The full amount is to be paid before 6 of December 2014
Group Size: 6-8 people
Tranemosevej 31
2750 Ballerup
This leadership training will be held in “Harreskoven” in Ballerup. “Harre” is an old English word for stone. And “skoven” means “wood”. Harreskoven is one of the oldest woods in Denmark.
Accommodation (single beds) included and camping an option.
Breakfast not catered. Lunch and dinner is included in the price.
Our place will be open from 8.00 in the morning the day we arrive. We have to leave the place at 16.00 the last day.
We meet for dinner at 18.00 the first day and we eat lunch the last day.
If you any questions please let me know
Contact: Lasse Ebbesen psykolog@lasseebbesen.dk