Festival of the Animals 2015
Festival of the Animals 2015 Poland

Every human being needs relationships and connections: Connection with oneself, with others, with nature and spirit. Each of us is like a drop of water on a spider web, but web is created only when all these drops connect together into wholeness. The invisible energy of emotions and feelings are often what bond us together – These connections are not always positive. Sometimes the energy of fear or anger or even hate have drawn us together rather than that of love or respect or acceptance. But more and more we understand that we have a choice and that we may create a constellation of human beings connected through Love.
Imagine growing a web, where each single human being is related to others by Love.
It is to this, that the Festival in Poland will be devoted – relations/connections based on deep acceptance, respect and freedom – that is to Love.
Looking forward to a bubbling, creative, deep and unforgettable gathering
Justyna Rosa and Renata Mazur-Ponikiewicz (organization-team 2015) festival2015@deepmagery.net
Dates |
24 – 28 June, 2015 |
- Pay for your room:
- either using the shopping cart or by sending a payment via paypal to iivr@deepimagery.org
- By wire transfer to:
Andrea Ortmayer,
Wien, Austria
IBAN AT801420020010216576
Beschreibung „Zahlung für Festival 2015“ oder dergleichen/ note as payment for Festival 2015 or similar.
- By check to the IIVR, PO Box 632, Velarde NM 87582
- Email festival2015@deepmagery.net with
- your T-shirt size (Small, medium, large or extra large)
- Dietary preferences (glutenfree/lactose intolerant etc.)
- Any additional questions
Venue |
Kików, Poland |
Fees |
Early Bird Pricing until February 29, 2015. Includes food and accommodation, entry to all workshops & festival events.
Some room types may not be available when you book. If your preferred room is not available, we shall refund any payment made through paypal. Or, we will refund the difference between it and which ever room type you accept instead. For specific information on room types visit: arrival and accommodation |
double room, per person (2 to a room):
early bird pricing – 960PLN / €230 / $300USD
after 29. February 2015 – 1056PLN / €252 / 320USD[wp_cart_button name=”Double Room” price=”300″] |
3-5 people Shared room, per person:
early bird pricing – 920PLN / €220 / $290USD
after 29. February 2015 – 1023PLN / €244 / $310USD
[wp_cart_button name=”Shared Room” price=”290″] |
Attic, per person:
early bird pricing – 880PLN / €210 / $275USD
after 29. February 2015 – 974PLN / €232 / 295USD
[wp_cart_button name=”Attic” price=”275″] |
Tent, per person:
early bird pricing – 820PLN / €195 / $260USD
after 29. February 2015 – 924PLN / €220 / 280USD
[wp_cart_button name=”Camping” price=”260″] |
One day Visitor Pass
Guests for one day are welcome.
incl. 3 meals and workshops, no accommodation: 70PLN / €17
[wp_cart_button name=”Single Day Visitor” price=”17″] |
More Information |
Email: festival2015@deepmagery.net |