French language editions available

Le Processus de Totem Personnel: Imagerie Animale, Chakras et Psychothérapie (French Edition) by Eligio Stephen Gallegos Ph.D (Author) , Dr. Florence Curtet (Translator)   Les Animaux des quatre fenêtres: Intégrant la réflexion, les sens, les sentiments et...

New Book by Dr. Gallegos

Nothing is Nothing, a short novel by Eligio Stephen Gallegos, is available from “Nothing is Nothing” is the first in a series of short novels that explore the ways in which education trains children to be obedient at the expense of their own wholeness and...

Getting old

Getting old has come suddenly, like flipping a switch. It was not gradual, although logically one would think, since the numbers have been sequential, that the event would also be logically sequential in a predictable and gradual manner. But it has not been so. The...