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October 29, 2018: Pellentesque Ipsum Id Orci Dapibus.
New Book: Dream Visits by Steve Gallegos
Dream Visits, Steve Gallegos' new book is available on! Kindle edition should be visible within 72 hours. Dream Visits is the third book in the series Stories for the Inner Child, by...
Congratulations, Jenny Garrison!
Jenny Garrison, RN, long time practitioner of deep imagery and author of Imagery in You, has been elected as President of Imagery International. Congratulations Jenny and best wishes for a successful term as president of Imagery International.
Why we work with our Chakra Animals
[zenith_blockquote align=""]We can understand the chakra system as an alignment of aliveness, an alignment of energies that are core to our bodies. The chakra system is the nucleus of our wholeness. It is around this that the other remaining alivenesses gather...
Latest News
New Book: Dream Visits by Steve Gallegos
Dream Visits, Steve Gallegos' new book is available on! Kindle edition should be visible within 72 hours. Dream Visits is the third book in the series Stories for the Inner Child, by...
Congratulations, Jenny Garrison!
Jenny Garrison, RN, long time practitioner of deep imagery and author of Imagery in You, has been elected as President of Imagery International. Congratulations Jenny and best wishes for a successful term as president of Imagery International.
Why we work with our Chakra Animals
[zenith_blockquote align=""]We can understand the chakra system as an alignment of aliveness, an alignment of energies that are core to our bodies. The chakra system is the nucleus of our wholeness. It is around this that the other remaining alivenesses gather...