by mcdgdiadmin | Nov 28, 2023
Journey to the Awakening Light within In the Northern hemisphere, many festivals celebrate the returning light around the time of the winter solstice. These celebratory traditions have a long history. The Neolithic peoples of Europe built monuments that were aligned...
by deepimag | Feb 9, 2016 | Reflection, Uncategorized
I was introduced to the Personal Totem Pole Process in 2000 when I met the Animal of My Heart in Luxembourg guided by Isabella ben Charrada. He was an elephant and my other chakra animals quickly followed him, introducing themselves in my inner world. My first journey...
by deepimag | Aug 29, 2014 | Books, publications, Steve Gallegos
Something is Something by Steve Gallegos Chapter Eight: Elephant “Elephant was always with me. He would wake me up in the morning with a gentle friendly smile. I always felt that he loved me. Not like Mother or Father but like a dear friend who really cared...
by deepimag | Aug 12, 2014 | Deep Imagery, Mary Diggin, Trainings, USA/CAN Training Listing
A Core Curriculum Deep Imagery Training with Mary Diggin (Canada) Location: Michaelite Retreat House, London, Ontario Dates: Training will begin February 18, 2016. The tuition costs are $1800CAD i..e. canadian dollars. Some tuition bursaries and stipends available for...
by deepimag | Aug 10, 2014 | Deep Imagery, Reflection, testimonial
the words I´ve just heard, a few minutes ago, are from Khalil Gibran: ‘Work Is Love Made Visible’ and this reminds me of my 3rd week of training, in May. I was so full of love. Actually I said to the others: I feel like being in love, because of this...